Friday, January 1, 2010

Cancer Survivor Tattoos Tattoo Ideas? Cancer Survivor?

Tattoo ideas? Cancer survivor? - cancer survivor tattoos

I made almost 18 years old, and I get a tattoo.
When I 1 1 / 2 I was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, cancer of the retina. So I have a prosthetic right eye. I was teased a lot as a child to be different and I have recently, as I am accepted.

I really want a tattoo, which bore me to overcome cancer and overcome the scorn and "torture" it symbolizes. I thought the wings on his back, but I do not know if they are really determined. And, I am not artistic.
I'm on my back, up or down, which really does not matter.



Nurse Susan said...

Wow! it's hard!
Those who had had breast cancer at the age of 48 and:
Double mastectomy
Reconstruction with Expanders
Replacement expander
Elimination of one, because [the open wound not funny]
I chose a tattoo on his forehead and running, because I do not donate blood for five years after treatment, and I was sick of them in the drawing.
After completion of "remodeling" [again], I will tattoo coquille Saint-Jacques, instead of nipples!
Find something that has special meaning to do for you - the strength, vision, etc., not let him near the ankle - if you have children who have tattoos stretch [and belly and thighs].
Why do mermaids wear shells?
Becas B shells are too small and d-shells are too big! [The hospital chaplain told me that - the joke of the time before the surgery, I laughed! ]

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