Friday, January 22, 2010

Male Bulimia Is It Possible For Males To Have Bulimia?

Is it possible for males to have bulimia? - male bulimia

I always thought, vomiting as a relief and now I eat a lot, until my stomach hurt. Then, I gag. I love the feeling. Am I bulimic?


Nohl said...

Yes you can. It is not uncommon for fighters who want to lose the weight or class of male models that are pressing. Usually models underwear.

Shannon said...

Men and women have eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, and some have Pica. It is therefore a good chance that you refer to us specifically and too much to eat and then vomit. I would recommend you go talk to her PCP or someone before it gets worse.

Joel S said...

Yes, it is possible and can bulimia.

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