Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chicago University Pullover What Do You Think About University Of Chicago?

What do you think about University of Chicago? - chicago university pullover

I love CA and I do not know if I can live in Chicago, but I know that the University of Chicago as a top-20 U.S.) universities, but I like the lifestyle of California))) So what should I do?


ChaoHuei said...

What my friend (not a diploma, whose sister is doing a diploma) said that it is a kind of refuge, a computer freak. Studying is very serious, but you learn a lot. What has surprised me that the debate for fun, apparently - not my lifestyle, but what works for them.

I know that in science, a highly respected name. My impression is that it is scientifically rigorous than any school comes to mind, like ivy and the big names in the public school, but I have no real experience to UChicago.

Chicago is a beautiful area, but the U of C is a not-so-hot part of town. It could, if the lifestyle is a big problem for you, not interested to go here.

MM said...

If you are interested in the education of lifestyle, the University of Chicago, it might be a good choice for you. The student body is very focused on their studies, and the campus is not particularly good on the city (Chicago is a beautiful city, but very different places in California). There are many good universities in the West Coast, so if the type of rhythm and attitude that you feel comfortable, there is nothing wrong with a list of all schools.

MM said...

If you are interested in the education of lifestyle, the University of Chicago, it might be a good choice for you. The student body is very focused on their studies, and the campus is not particularly good on the city (Chicago is a beautiful city, but very different places in California). There are many good universities in the West Coast, so if the type of rhythm and attitude that you feel comfortable, there is nothing wrong with a list of all schools.

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