Sunday, February 21, 2010

Black Bump In Butt Hole What Is This Black Thing That Came From This Pimple On My Butt?

What is this black thing that came from this pimple on my butt? - black bump in butt hole

I Woke up one day and my *** is a little pain in my anus. I scratch myself and feel a small bump near my anus hole part. I check in the mirror and see a piece of granite to form. I leave and do nothing. Then the next day was still there, we decided to try to pop with a needle. I Put the dam thing, but all that came out was blood. Then the next day and made me look bigger. I decided to wait and see what happens. So today, I see the package was a little black thing on my skin. I got scared and just a pair of scissors and cut. Just as I opened it only blood broke. And the mixture of blood was just all black. There was fluid. Squishy thing was as solid black. Thus dam cuz I'm a little scared. *** Well, the thing is gone, and the normal grain. And it's not cuz it was a pus-grain white or something like corn.


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