Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oral Cancer More Condition_symptoms Re: HPV, Who Is More Qualified For An Oral Cancer Screening?

Re: HPV, Who is more qualified for an Oral Cancer screening? - oral cancer more condition_symptoms

It can be seen a dentist or an ENT or more equally qualified for Oral Cancer? Ive had mild pain around my almonds for 3 weeks, she visited an ENT, but could not find anything ... He also completed a cycle of 10 days of antibiotics, which have made much difference. She made a complete examination with a scope in my throat and I felt my lymph nodes, but not sure how closely reviewed the almonds.
I seem a little bump that grows on the right side is what disturbs me to see. The ENT referred to, because they are larger, but leaving from the standpoint of sleep apnea.

I'm 24 and do not smoke or drink, I was a young girl, cervical dysplasia was involved (in general) are caused by HPV, and gave him mouth is a 5-partners I've had since 18. I read that recent studies, 5 or more partners increases the risk by 32 times by mouth for oral cancer and increases with someone with HPV16 76 times! This is an opportunity in 2500th Thank you.


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