Thursday, January 28, 2010

How To Wear Trauma Plate Is It Wise To Wear Body Armor For Home Defense?

Is it wise to wear body armor for home defense? - how to wear trauma plate

Many of us have spoken here in the hunting section Homeland Defense. Would it make sense for me to save money to buy modern military bases, and body armor vest surplus ceramic trauma? Think about it, I will defend my house. But what if the guy shoots intruder, before I killed? Well at least I do not have bulletproof vests, and ... Pepper, with 00 before I shot.


War said...

I have no armor, but I disagree with most responses to date as bulletproof vests, as with a gun first, you can save your plan to defend the country and implement his life.

If an invasion happens at night while you are asleep in bed, should have an alarm, barking dogs, or heard, you indicate that someone in his house.

Fortunately, you also have at least one closed door between you and the intruder. My room is a locked door, and I can not go to the toilet and lock the main door, and more on a walk-in closet (where) my gun and rifle, and then close the door and creation of 3 barriers between the attacker and my wife and me

That would slip me time for body armor, take my gun and leave the dressing room and bathroom as a first line of defense and my wife to protect.

If you jumped several armed intruders over something on the other side of the door, I flak jackets, magazines CAP hello and all that was in my hands to protect my life andmy family.

Andy said...

If it is legal in your country, then why not. Just another part of his defense strategy. Note you leave that as an owner, there is no reason for their "safety" and see if Badguy (s). You pay the police to do such things. Body armor is only take one more step in protection.

Who says he will not have time to vest is also convinced that they have no time to get a gun. You could just as well be you! Prepare you increase security to time. Motion sensor lighting outside for the doors with safety glass and double glazing pain or callus. Locks and an alarm system, both an alarm and notifies the police. Then add a security door, steel or solid component. Finally, the walls, if possible, a bathroom or closet with a safe once more hardened and reinforced.

rwd2mete... said...

No, it's just not practical, flak jackets, all the time you are at home, especially if you plan to use a vest with a ceramic trauma plates to bear. If you think your security is up to the point where you must wear bulletproof vests under threat at home, why not go somewhere where you think you do not need a bullet-proof vests?

Mr. Gregg Andrews said...

Yeah ... Would spend good time to ...

It would also be a bit difficult to explain why they used armor, if your visitors should not * *. It's the same argument that I am about people who want to defend the use of "cool touch weapons on the territory. It's really hard to explain, makes you hungry for a price / tax-power, and you look as the troublemaker. ... This is the main defense USASF you will not fight an enemy base or something.

The biggest hope for the first start and finished with him.

drakon said...

Well, I've never been a hacker who call in advance and a home invasion schedule (the bullies could not move me at least one hours to put down the plastic means, I want that), armor, so why not 't practical for me.

If you can not afford it, but why not? This tag will add more options and added insurance.

Christopher S said...

Pepper one with 00 meal? 00 meal is not pepper a little distance is its em kill. "Pepper" is in the leg with 00 shotgun and jump! They adhere to a system and preventive measures, if not a stranger at home "


Yes, of course, "chicken plates are sleeping comfortably, until I call BS, only has the ability to wake up and tear down, and it is the number one priority. If you go so far that have to be certain about other than Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

Kush Slayer said...

i wouldnt but some people say it will take some time, I have a PASGT vest in the back of your computer chair, the rise from his chair and take care of everything in 5 seconds or less, thats SKS also participates in the rear My computer chair

Uncle Pennybags said...

So you are planning to in the body armor all the time remain, even when you sleep?

Or do you first go to meet and then take the weapon? I will not take so much time?

I'd rather just grab my gun and my phone and start dialing 911th

Annie Oakleaf said...

It is not practical. And when you married your partner, and then I wanted to wait to lie on the couch .. I do not think the armor is nice to sleep next to the ...

Shogun said...

What happens if you have a few beers, go out and the intruder comes and cuts the throat. He lay in his blood, Fruit of the Loom, cowboy boots and armor, holding his gun preferred. Remember Murphy .............

mack_9 said...

I was never tired, but I hear it hard to sleep with armor and a shower will be a difficult experience. If you have sex while wearing are, people think you're crazy.

mack_9 said...

I was never tired, but I hear it hard to sleep with armor and a shower will be a difficult experience. If you have sex while wearing are, people think you're crazy.

AL said...

This picture ........ They sleep in his underwear and body armor? I do not think that it would be easy ....... especially when the disease go through your head when you surprise by jumping out the window.

Al said...

Only if you really, really want to lose weight, because then they really, really large sweatshirts.


Have nothing better to do?

Mountain Man said...

His armor is not practicle to defend the house ..... However, you should still have some armor just in case everything goes to hell one days ......

Bill said...

If I had time, I would be in harm ..

is used here, but the armor IIIA cheap ... and stab proof too! ...

gunplumb... said...

If you're seriously considering, with body armor at home is a wise decision.

gunplumb... said...

If you're seriously considering, with body armor at home is a wise decision.

don said...

Depends if you are someone you know goes. But if it is unexpected that makes no sense.

don said...

Depends if you are someone you know goes. But if it is unexpected that makes no sense.

Qbnsizzl... said...

No, but we are careful, who is invited into my house without having to use it.

Jack said...

So I have an intruder, and say: "Wait for me to express myself in my armor"

Waste of time ..

Fireball said...

If you leave all the body armor time to time, my friend Afganistan

eddygord... said...

More than HFCS.

Sam said...

You gotta be kidding! If not, move!

m l said...

I agree with Jack, if someone in your house, you have no time to bulletproof vests, before it's too late

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